Fox News (fairly balanced) this AM aired an interview with John Boehner, Republican House minority leader, on the newest controversy with the Barrack Obama presidency… BREAKFASTGATE. Under the Freedom of Information Act, the Republican Party obtained a week of the president’s breakfast menu.
Said Boehner, “Bailouts, takeovers, Obamacare, energy policy, apology tours… this president hasn’t done a single positive thing. But now he’s gone too far. Corn flakes proves he is pandering to Iowan’s for reelection on official time in violation of election laws.”
Senate Minority Leader, Mitch Mc Connell, was outraged. “Fruit Loops”, he gurgled, “is proof that he’s still out to change Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.”
Sean Hannity led off his nightly television show of relevant political topics by sputtering, “I knew it, I knew it. French toast is all I need to know. Obama is to turning us into a socialist country like France.”
Rush Limbaugh astutely observed that Rice Krispies were made from rice. Cackled Rush, “Rice for breakfast. Just more cozying up to the Chi-Coms.” His guest, Sarah Palin, chimed in by proclaiming that a yellow and white tablecloth would go well with red china.
Professor Glenn Beck was speechless, but managed to scribble out his reaction on a chalkboard. It read, “This is totally un-American, totally unpatriotic. He should be eating porridge like the founding fathers did.
Boehner’s parting shot was, “We're not gonna let go of this anytime soon. I know the American people are with us.”
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