Thursday, February 05, 2009


Having spoken with Jewish and non-Jewish Americans about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and having read about attitudes of Jewish Israelis, I was very surprised to find how strong the disagreement is between two bodies of thought. Recognizing that the standard bell-shaped curve still applies and that some opinions are the result of distorted media coverage and anti-Semitism, at the risk of over simplification, they seem to be divided over one central issue:


The crux of the issue is that no one seems to really know, despite vitriolic statements and despicable, horrific acts from radical, militant Muslims.

From that one issue stems the following additional questions:
· Is the Muslim end game the destruction of the State of Israel?
· Is Israel the first line of defense in the global war with militant Islam…. The canary in the coal mine?
· Is the Israeli/Palestinian conflict a proxy war between the US and Muslim countries like Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia?
· Are the US and Israeli governments working to strengthen, maintain, or weaken Israel’s security?
· Do moderate Muslims support Israel’s right to exist?
· What are moderate Muslims doing to prevent the spread of radical Islam and the attacks on US interests, Israel, and those countries, Arab and non-Arab, whose governments are viewed as a threat to the spread of radical Islam?
· What concessions should Israel make for peace?
· Will Muslims honor agreements with infidels?
· Is the intifada a resistance movement or a propaganda act to facilitate the end-game strategy?
· Is Israel doing what is necessary to establish a level of security against homicide bombers and rocket attacks or is Israel oppressing Palestinians?
· And others that I have not yet thought of……

Israel's enemies are relentless. Our top priority in this country must be to win the PR war. Whether it is AIPAC's work with American lawmakers, Laurie Moore's videos for the Christian community, Bob Kunst's public protests, Ted Belman's writings, Dr. Grobman's and Tabbi Davoodi's work with young Jewish people in the crosshairs of the propaganda of Islamic Student Centers and professors of Islamic studies, funded by Wahabi sect Saudis, Buddy Macy's organizing an email campaign to keep David Appletree at the watchtower of Facebook... and others I am not aware of ... there is no more important work than to combat the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda coming from all directions. Alek Szlam and I believe that these efforts can be even more effective by bringing an Internet based social network as a platform to aggregate and distribute the collective work of people like you to make it possible for millions of people to ensure that the truth is not drowned out by our enemies. We need to work more closely together now than ever. If not now, when? How much greater of a threat to Israel, America, and Western civilization is needed before we act together?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) is all over these issues:

Thu Feb 05, 08:48:00 AM PST  

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