So the McCain campaign cancels McCain's interview on Larry King's show because they didn't like CNN's Campbell Brown asking a McCain surrogate for an example of how their VP choice is "Commander of Chief" of Alaska's National Guard. Straight talk or no talk? Then as various news organizations attempt to inform the public of inconsistencies in Palin's claims of accomplishment, they are vilified as the enemy of the Republican Party in the same way that the Bush Administration has attacked the "Freedom of the Press" for the past eight years. Have you forgotten Bush's constant intimidation of the press... threats of imprisonment, using the"T-word" (treason), and actually imprisoning Judith Miller? Add the assault on freedom of speech... McCain and the entire Republican Party accusing anyone who opposed the Iraq war of being unpatriotic. Do independents really want to vote for someone who has such distain for them?
Do we need a President who is so reckless with our Constitutional rights? This not only ties McCain to the 3rd Bush term theme, but it also is a perfect example of what we have to fear from McCain. More Scalia/Roberts/Alito Supreme Court Justices. I'm not interested in either a theocracy or a unitary executive. This is a seminal issue that transcends health care, energy, the economy, and others; followed closely by the threat from Islamic fundamentalist militants. Equally at fault is Obama’s campaign team for SQUANDERING an opportunity to save this country from the worst among us. They have yet to demonstrate that they are really trying to win this election. We have two candiadates "to nowhere."
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