I think it was Clint Eastwood who said, “If you go to the far, far left, you will meet people coming around from the far, far right”. With the future of Western civilization AND America AND Israel AND world Jewry at stake, intense emotion is understandable, even if some comments are not. Since Israel is the first line of defense… the canary in the coal mine… in the defense of Western civilization against global Jihad, and since the US government is the “world’s only superpower”, the choice of president in ‘08 is in everyone’s interest, not just US citizens’. And whether some argue that the litmus test ought to be what concessions the candidates would force on Israel, or that a candidate has a dangerous past association, or is a dot among other suspicious dots, or any other test, rational or not….it is all fair game. A worthy presidential candidate needs to be able to erase doubts, even if some voters will never change their views. Most people who vote have seen the damage done by the current government to the US economy, global prestige, and Constitutional guarantees. They will make up their minds on rational grounds. So let’s bring on all of the rumors, circumstantial evidence, conspiracy theories,and even false facts. Let’s make the candidates work hard to be elected, because if they can take it, they will be qualified to lead us all in defense of freedom. Freedom isn’t something you ever really have. You have to fight to get it… you have to fight to keep it… if you ever stop, it will be gone. On Memorial Day let’s remember with deepest gratitude all of those who fought and are fighting to defend freedom.
The Voice of Moderation
Politics and the "market-driven" media often distort reality.The views of the extremes on the right and on the left have polarized the dialogue and all but obscured The Voice of Moderation. This blog is intended to bring balance to the issues of the day and of our future.
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