Saturday, June 04, 2011

Arlene Peck Guest Post

As my readers know, this blog is a forum for all points of view, including the left and the right. No one has a hold on the truth or on the facts; but by listening to each other, we will eventually arrive at moderation. It gives me great pleasure to have the highly acclaimed journalist, Arlene Peck, as the very first guest of The Voice of Moderation. Pay careful attention. She has some very important insights.

Death to Israel Obama speech.. by arlene Peck

I like nothing better than being able to say, “I told you so!” Eons ago when Obama was running for office and everyone thought he was the next coming of the Messiah, I wrote columns about how I believed him to not only be a Muslim but totally out of his league. A community organizer doesn’t make for a leader of a country. Neither does someone who has never even taken ROTC , or served in any capacity of the armed forces know what the hell he is talking about -- when he starts directing how to solve the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, and specifically Israel. If push comes to shove, I doubt he has ever spent any time in the Jewish state. So, what makes him an expert --is it years studying at the feet of his past pastor, Rev. Wright, who was as big an anti-Semite as Mel Gibson? 

Hamas is not a partner for Peace. Obama has to know that there is no Palestine. In order to be a country you must have a postal service, a currency, stamps, government offices, garbage collections and all the rest. Hamas doesn’t possess any of these things. They’ve been too busy building bombs and organizing terror centers with all the funding they receive. Yet, knowing this, Obama still stupidly insists that Israel deal with the terrorist group Hamas, the Palestinian version of Al Qaeda. Their charter calls for the destruction of Israel and there are no plans to change it. Nor are they planning to recognize Israel any time soon. 

Bibi let me down the last time around. But this time he’s totally redeemed himself. I loved it when Netanyahu strongly suggested that America should return to it's borders of 1847, before Mexican land was taken. And all building should be halted in Texas while new borders are being drawn up. However, After living in Los Angeles for over twenty years, I think that Mexico now has a majority in my area. Better yet, there is a movement being considered now that America should return to it's August 20th, 1959 borders so that Hawaii is no longer a state and Obama is no longer a citizen. The 'return' would destroy Israel and create yet another Muslim state.
Thirty years ago I interviewed Bibi when he was young and gorgeous. I wrote, “This man will be Prime Minister” one day. I was right then, and I’m right now when I say that any Jew who now supports Obama is a dope. And, speaking of dopes, I believe the American support of Obama from the Jewish Community consists of blind leftist ideologues who have no sense of reality or right and wrong. Hopefully, that is changing after the latest 'destroy Israel' speech. I don't remember our Muslim President receiving thirty standing ovations from Congress the way Israel's Prime Minister did, (except when Nancy Pelosi was jumping up and down) .
The very idea that Judaism’s holiest shrine is alien or that Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter is rightfully or historically or demographically Arab is an absurdity. And the idea that, in order to retain them, Israel has to give up parts of itself is a travesty."'

Land was never the issue. These so-called displaced Arabs could return to 57 Arab/ Muslim nations. These surrounding nations are 660 times the size of the tiny Jewish state. They don’t need a tiny strip of land called the West Bank. When our illustrious President gave his “Death to Israel’ speech, he was well aware that he was calling for Israel to go back to totally indefensible borders, ever more so today. Obama is plotting that Israel’s main population centers, airports, main arteries of transportation, and cities to be gobbled up in his give-away of Jewish land. No, land is not the issue. It's the fact that the Muslim world doesn’t want one Jew left alive in Tel Aviv, Haifa or Jerusalem.

Charles Krauthammer is one journalist who 'gets it' and he wrote about the mentality of Obama and company talking about the giving up land... something that the Arabs have been offered numerous times. His plan cuts right into Jerusalem and the holiest sites would be given to the "Palestinians" He says, and I agree, that "The very idea that Judaism’s holiest shrine is alien or that Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter is rightfully or historically or demographically Arab is an absurdity. And the idea that, in order to retain them, Israel has to give up parts of itself is a travesty."
It’s nauseating how anyone speaks of the ‘right of return’ for Arabs. Fifty years ago Arabs weren’t even living here. Nor are their descendants qualified. At the rate this culture has wives and children, within a short time the Jewish state will no longer be Jewish. Has anyone ever questioned what happened to the Jewish populations of these surrounding Arab countries? People were forced to flee to Israel, most often with only the clothes on their backs, to leave their homes, businesses and possessions behind; with no compensation or benefits, only to be looted by their neighbors.

Nothing would make me happier than if John Bolton would run for office. He, in my opinion, would be terrific. His comments concerning this debacle were, “Nonetheless, since Obama remains president for two more years, what should opponents of his misguided policies do to capitalize on the new dynamic Netanyahu has created? First, members of Congress must build on Netanyahu’s Joint Meeting appearance through hearings, speeches, and House and Senate resolutions that Israel’s U.S. support remains broad and deep on Capital Hill, even as it recedes almost to invisibility in the White House. Congress cannot, of course, determine U.S. policy, but it can send a clear political message to the White House, and more importantly to Obama’s re-election campaign.” He also believes that Obama thinks he can muscle Israel without suffering domestic political damage. Now is the time to get out and support Israel and think carefully if this is the hope and change so many thought they were getting.

We should ask ourselves, each one of us, "Am I better off now than I was two years ago?"

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