... follow the lead of the Roman Catholic Church's Nostra Aetate in the year of the 50th anniversary. Amid the harsh wake up call for the French open border policy, the focus has been on the 12 Frenchman who gave their lives for liberty. All but those who think like Holocaust deniers realize that Islamic terrorism is a multi-state, multi-regional movement against western culture. But the stark imbalance of media coverage of the four Jewish people murdered at the Paris grocery store for no reason other than that they were Jewish is a stain on humanity. This is not to denigrate the price paid by the 12 Frenchman, but to elevate the plight the surviving 13 million Jewish people whose religion is the bedrock of all of Christianity and every democracy in the world. It is also the very reason that the 12 Frenchmen lost their lives to those, who like Hitler, condemn all of our values, including the Ten Commandments, the Torah, and the old and New Testaments. The media facade of lone wolves and workplace violence has been lifted. Now PJTN calls on all Christians to follow the Roman Catholic Church's unprecedented, unparalleled, historic Vatican II/Nostra Aetate, in this year of the 50th anniversary. The remarkable story of the Church’s examination and transformation is known by far too few Christians, Jews, and other people of conscience. In short, the Church acknowledged that Jews are not responsible for the death of Jesus, eliminating the deicide narrative, and that the Jews’ covenant with God for the land of Israel was not broken; that Christianity sprang from its Jewish roots and is inextricably intertwined with Judaism, and that Jesus and his disciples and many of his apostles were Jewish. The Church also unambiguously stated that it rejects anti-Semitism in every form. As long as some Christians continue to be at odds with Nostre Aetate, they perpetuate the vestiges of Christian anti-Semitism from the days when Jews were tormented, denigrated, and annihilated. The indiscriminate murder of Jews throughout the world are a consequence of those who continue to cling to those rejected beliefs. They and many others also ignore that the false claims against the Jewish people in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a book that has been an enduring threat for Jews since it's dissemination from Russia 100 years ago are at the roots of the recent explosion of global anti-Semitism.. The false libels contained in and spawned by that book were the foundation of the Nazi extermination of six million Jews and are at the center of the Arab-Israeli conflict. As we have seen, those who seek to annihilate our Jewish brethren also seek to do the same to Christians. Proclaiming Justice to the Nations also calls out to all Christians to denounce the book as the most insidious form of anti-Semitism in the world. Until Jews, Christians and all people of conscience shout the truths of our beliefs from every house of worship, peace and security will not be secure.
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