About a hundred years ago, the secret police of the Russians Czar commissioned a book called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The book has been at the base of genocidal anti-Semitism ever since and continues to endure today in the Middle East and even Japan. Basically, the book alleges that a small group of Jewish men met in a cemetery and conspired to control the world. Let's put that in context ... a small group of Jewish men in Russia, isolated with no power, no military, no money (study the history of the Jews in Russia or watch Fiddler on the Roof) were supposed to take control of the world. I thought of approaching it from the standpoint of logic … how could such a conspiracy even be considered possible, no less achievable? But after listening to Dennis Prager's radio show, I've decided that the appropriate answer is “so what?” So what if a small group of nutso Jews drank too much schnapps in a graveyard because there was no where else for them to go, sat there and thought,”Hey, why don't we just take over the world? Yah, that’s the ticket.” Even today the Mel Gibson/Louis Farrakhan “Jewish problem” proposition that Jews control the financial, media, and entertainment industries, without really understanding what is necessary for anyone group to control any aspect of our society. So what if Asians dominate the mani-pedi business or Indians (Asia) dominate the economy lodging industry, or Pakistani’s dominate the etc. etc. etc? So what ... what's wrong with that? Can anybody show me any data anywhere that Jews (who comprise 1.4 % of the US population) dominate any of those industries, or any other? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller?Hey Mel, so what? Hey Louis, so what? It may well be true that disproportionately, as a percentage of the population of Jews in America, a larger number are involved in these three industries, but then a smaller number of Jews may be involved in, say, construction, professional sports, long-haul truck driving, or concierge services. So what does any of that mean anyway? But even if the data shows that there is a significant disproportionate involvement, compared to our composition of the general population, so what? ... Unless some people can't handle the thought that Jewish people are allowed to compete with everyone else in a democracy. But that's not a "Jewish problem" That's their problem.
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