In tense times like these, many of us activists lament that the so-called “Jewish leaders” repeatedly fail to switch from advocacy to activism at a time when their position publicly could make a meaningful difference for Israel and for all Jews. The truth is that it is unfair to criticize them for not taking a leadership position on the fight with Hagel.
Despite the media’s (liberal and conservative) need to have their “go to” Jewish “leaders” when covering an event or an issue, we owe it to these individuals to relieve them of a responsibility that is not theirs. They are not leaders of any Jews other than their own members, donors, or congregants who have expressly granted them the right to speak on their behalf. They are merely officials of a non-profit organization. Nothing more. We need to make sure that the world is made aware of the difference… with crystal clarity.
This not to pick a fight with them or to denigrate or destroy them. This is an act of mercy to remove them from unwarranted harsh criticism. In other times when Jewish communities were isolated, heads of Jewish organizations, media, and institutions were traditionally viewed as the leaders of their enclaves, so-called Jewish communities. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not so much. Many think it made little sense then, and it makes even less sense now in an Internet world where every Jew has an equal voice.
Reading Denise Tamir’s article* describing some American Jewish “leaders” ignoring Peter Bergson’s pleas to lobby the US Government on behalf of European Jews being slaughtered is sickening. And that we still have some who are willing unwilling to protest against the nomination of Chuck Hegel for Secretary of Defense is beyond disappointing. But, WE CAN DO THIS OURSELVES, yes we can!
Final comment, for those who are interested, Rabbi Steven Wise was singled out by Tamir as one who strongly opposed Bergson and failed European Jews. As you may know, I like to compare large scale events to a Rubik’s cube. When you think you have the complete picture, keep turning the cube AND the individual cublets on each side. You’ll be amazed at what you will find! I strongly recommend the more complete and balanced version from the US Holocaust Museum, Rabbi Stephen Wise
www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007309 .
Here is the concluding paragraph from that version to stimulate your interest:
Wise's role as the leading American Jewish leader during the 1933–1945 period made him a natural target for criticism. He was unable to change congressional opposition to the 1924 Immigration Act. He could not change British policy in Palestine. Ultimately, he could not persuade the Roosevelt administration or Great Britain to build rescue missions to save Jews into their strategy to win the war. There is no doubt, however, that Stephen Wise was a pivotal religious, Zionist, civic, and civil rights figure, and one of the most important Jewish leaders of the twentieth century