Monday, September 04, 2006

The tide of public opinion finally seems to be shifting. People are beginning to realize that our government is ineffective and that our legislative branch is a confederacy of dunces. Everything that Congress has deregulated is worse or nearly dead -- energy, transportation, airlines, communications. Congressman Zach Wamp (TN--R) once told me, "As a freshman congressman, I was told that I would begin my term wondering how I got here. Later I will wonder how 'they' got here." That revealing analysis has been shared among congressmen for at least as long as the Aristocrats joke has been shared among comedians. The situation can be summed up by recalling that the Republican controlled Congress passed a bill for a brain-dead Florida woman in one day ( and the President flew back to sign the legislation early in the morning). Yet Congress has been incapable of passing legislation to secure our borders and deal with the flood of illegal immegrants for this ENTIRE YEAR. You gave them a chance ; they failed you. Remember what George Bush said, "Fool me once, shame on ... uh, um , uh ....". Well, you get the idea. You are the cause of the problem. Now it's your job to fix it.


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