Friday, February 13, 2004

Today is the first issue of The Voice of Moderation, a blog inspired in part by the political season, and in part by the realization that we have two parallel systems in this country, a system of government and a system of politics. They share the same players. All too often, the system of government is subordinated to the system of politics to the detriment of independent, moderate views.

In short, we have lost control of government to the Republican and Democrat political parties. Arguably, the typically low election turn-outs reflect, whether analytically, intuitively, or viscerally, a significant disconnect between the electorate and the political parties. Could it be that these low turnouts are actually desired by both parties?

Subsequent postings will review the consequences of this situation and offer a simple, but effective, approach that has the potential to return some control of our government back to the electorate.


Blogger Bob S said...

The Voice of Moderation of an excellent discussion of moderate politics.

Wed Aug 01, 02:45:00 PM PDT  

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