In an Internet driven world, there seems to be never ending
eruptions of conspiracy theories and crises. Are they real … Are
they serious … Who’s pushing it … Why? Well, there has been a real crisis
right under the nose of some parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles of
children in our public schools and universities. This crisis has been
spreading for a long time and it’s about to get worse beyond your ability to
comprehend the disastrous consequences. The crisis is in our education
system and is disguised by the benign title of common core state standards
(Common Core). While the situation is very complicated, in fact, the
solution is simple … it’s you!
But first a quick stroll through the contemporary
problem. Liberal tenured professors at universities are indoctrinating
our students about the non-exceptionalism of America, the evils of the
capitalism, and the failure of democracy. For that I recommend you go to
Prager University. Let’s move on to K-12, especially in the secondary
schools’ social studies curriculum, which are sometimes erroneously funneled
into “language arts”. The perpetrators are not professors, but textbook
Let’s begin with key concepts.
First of all, the purpose of an education is to learn how to learn. This
skill lasts an individual for their entire life. Secondly, whether it’s health
care, immigration, or public education, be wary of people who push
“reform”. Reforming any major part of society creates openings for a wide
range of people with motives, personal agendas, and/or special interests.
political (libertarian mantra that education
should be private, believe that education doesn’t belong in government at all …
not Federal, not state, not local; and far left and liberal progressives
who believe that college education should be free)
religious (putting God back into public schools
or taking religion out altogether)
philosophical (even to the point of undermining
our way of life),
employment/financial gain (those who want to
use student achievement to evaluate educators’ performance and to determine
educators’ income; and educators who don’t want to be responsible for factors
outside of their control that influence the student achievement, or lack
thereof, and educators’ professional associations and/or unions who want
educators’ compensation to be determined by collective bargaining.)
Common Core is not the first time that the government has
tried to use education for social engineering. Has everyone so quickly
forgotten the failed promises of test, test, test of No Child Left Behind, a
byproduct of a bipartisan team of George W. Bush and Ted Kennedy? US
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, a Republican, complained that the
emphasis on math and science was at the expense of courses in American history,
civics, and American government. She worried that we were failing to
prepare students to become educated citizens who would assume the
responsibility to be informed voters. And how about the old standby Race to the
Top … a bounty of bureaucracy if ever there was one, and believe me, there have
been plenty. Or is it ultimately a bribe to states to implement Common