Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Racism Unmasked

In trying to set up meetings with the UN Ambassadors of Peru, Portugal, and Brazil for Mrs. Laurie-Cardoza Moore, Envoy for The World Council of Independent Christian Churches and President/Founder of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, I recalled the anti-Semitism over the many centuries and that, even today, still overtly exist in some of these countries. When you pull the mask off the face of racism, this is what you see.......when someone hates an individual or group, the legitimacy of their position doesn't exist.

The civil rights movement succeeded because the United States courts eventually recognized the legitimacy of minorities' positions. From that point forward, it was a matter of law. Democracy at work .... equal standing in the eyes of the law for all citizens. If we had only one goal to pursue in the PR war, it would be to ensure that Israel and Jewish and Christian minorities get a full hearing at the United Nations and in the international community... ..leaders and grass roots ... for their positions' legitimacy. That's more easily said than done into today's UN and media climate. But we push forward.


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