Saturday, November 19, 2011

Politics.... is anything left to be said? From an anonymous contributor.

"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber." ~Plato*

"Politics is the gentle art**of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other. " ~Oscar Ameringer

Editor's notes:
* This doesn't sound like Plato to me, unless it's Plato Limbaugh.
**No so gentle these days.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

OWS "Evil" Agenda

On November 9, I received the following from the Jewisphere, from some almost anonymous person by the name of Laura who wrote: Here are some headlines for anyone doubting the evil intentions of the “occupy” movement. It is undoubtedly a violent, Marxist, anti-Semitic and anti-American movement which seeks the overthrow of our free market system and the destruction of America as we know it. Take a look at the violence, destruction and filth generated by this bilge who believe they have the right to pilfer and mooch off productive citizens and businesses.

To al the Laura's,I think we all know that OWS is an eclectic group at best. Not only has it been infiltrated by Marxists, if any actually exist outside of NYC, it has also been infiltrated by agitators hired by those who oppose the movement, and anti-Semites who will use any opportunity to scream that Jews are responsible for everything, including asteroids, hemorrhoids, and androids. Calling out financial services companies who have rigged the rules, and brought the world economy to the brink doesn't make someone anti-capitalist. On the contrary, markets work just fine when the power is somewhat balanced between buyer and seller. But it wasn't and it seems that the consumer was just collateral damage. If I had lost my job, my house, and my savings, I'd be at a nearby OWS every day. I want to make this clear to all those who claim that the economic collapse was caused by Fannie, Freddie, and "that fag, Barney Frank", you are flat wrong. If you don't know about Glass, Steagel; Graham, Leach, Bliley; and how the residential housing market actually works, then you're just spreading someone else's poop-a-ganda. And if you ever want to show me how wrong I am, bring it on.

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