The Big 3 --- Good for us, bad for us?
For the life of me I can't understand why so many "middle class" people want to let the Big 3 auto manufacturers die. I can understand why some Republicans from Southern states that have foreign auto companies' plants would love to see their constituents' competitors be eliminated. Other Republicans want to use this as an opportunity to crush the auto unions, because of their support of the Democrats. Most Democrats legislatorsare feckless, so while Congress fiddles, Detroit burns (actually the whole Midwest). And the media... don't get me started! It just gets worser and worser. It's very simple... the government ruined the financial industry and hasn't restored liquidity... people can't borrow money for car loans and the Big 3 can't get the bank to provide bridge loans until liquidity is restored and they start to sell cars again.The guv'mint broke it, they need to fix it.
UPDATE: Dubya has relented and is providing US auto manufacturers a $17 B bridge loan... $13 B from TARP and $4 B from petty cash. So he saved $14 B in income tax and $13 B in avoiding unemployment claims. A net gain of $10 B for the taxpayers. And who said his Ivy League education was a waste?