Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I guess Bush is saying that he declared a Jihad. At times like these, I would rather have Forrest Gump as President. At least his advisor (his Momma) understood that "stupid is as stupid does". You would think that an organization with trillions of dollars in revenue could do a better job of explaining what is really at stake. I have been saying for a long time that fundamentalism is the real threat to our way of life. So, no matter haw poorly Bush states the case, we must stop militant fundamentalist Muslims from gaining control of goverments in the middle east. Their strategy is to cut off our access to oil, which is the fastest way to collapse the Western (and other) economies. We need to have US military stationed in the middle east for a long time.
However, the right wing fundamentalists in the US may be just as dangerous. Notice how when their leaders muck up and get caught violating the laws, they try to change the laws. The true meaning of conservative is to maintain status quo. These theocrats must also be stopped. I am ready to run for President. Know where I can locate Momma Gump?

After listening to the State of the Union last night, it seems that we have gone from being the Great Society to the Optimistic Society (2004 presidential campaign) to the Hopeful Society. Seems like we've regressed. Doesn't make me hopeful that we are headed in the right direction at all.